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Instant Pain Elimination

Instant Pain Elimination is Dr. Kam Yuen's newest book. Full of testimonials, great quotes, the Yuen Method philosophy, AND the basic steps on how to learn the method! Plus visuals on correcting weaknesses in the lymphatic system, vertebras and other essential components!

Cost: $30.00 Canadian Funds

Instant Rejuvenation

The Quickest and Least Expensive way to LONGEVITY! Dr. Kam Yuen's secret to: "How to live to be hundred and not look or feel like a hundred." All the protocols and more needed to have you rejuvenate and feel young! And the basic steps on how to learn the method!

Cost: $35.00 Canadian Funds

Instant Healing

Instant Healing is Dr. Kam Yuen's first book. The Quickest and Least Expensive way to HEALTH! You will learn about Dr. Kam Yuen's modern day interpretation and applications for chi-kung.

Cost: $35.00 Canadian Funds