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Yuen Method™ Card Deck

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Yuen Method™ Card Deck (Coming Soon)

Created by:
Colette Stefan, Yuen Method™ Certified Practitioner
Stephanie Monsen, Yuen Method™ Certified Practitioner & Usui Reiki Master

The Story Behind The Deck

While in the process of creating the painting for the third card in my Dragon Oracle Card Deck, the idea for a Yuen Method™ Card Deck popped into my psyche. As I continued to work on my painting, I kept sensing that I needed to speak with my Yuen friend Stephanie.   I had been thinking about the Yuen Card Deck for over a week when I received a phone call from Stephanie. She informed me that she had a dream about a Yuen Deck that we would work on together. We were both delighted when we realized that we shared the same vision and direction from the Universe.

Colette Stefan                                    
Yuen Method™ Certified Practitioner

I have been working with card decks of many varieties for over 20 years.  I have experienced the benefits of working with Tarot, Oracle and most recently the Power Deck to assist with my life’s path and journey.  One week in June of 2008, I had a recurrent dream of using a card deck with my Yuen Method™ clients.   When I looked at the box that the cards came in I was intrigued to find two familiar names on the cover. They were “Colette Stefan” and “Stephanie Monsen”.  After three consecutive nights of this same dream, I decided that I needed to call Colette to ask if she was interested in working on a Yuen Method™ card deck.  When I spoke to Colette the following day, I was amazed to learn that she had been experiencing the same direction from the Universe.  We took this as a sign to proceed with the creation of the deck you are now holding in your hand.   It is a powerful tool for healing all areas of life.  It is our gift to humanity.

Stephanie Monsen
Yuen Method™ Certified Practitioner & Usui Reiki Master

The Creation Process

The process for creating the deck was very simple. Stephanie and I independently made a list of which cards we felt needed to be included in the deck. We agreed that fifty three cards would be our goal. After our first collaboration we came to the conclusion that we needed to expand our deck to sixty-two cards as there were too many important ones that would be left out. We independently worked on the list again and found in our second collaboration that we had both arrived at sixty six cards. We were still aiming for sixty two cards so we decided to each make a deck and use them in real life situations with the goal of eliminating the four that we didn't’t need. After working with all of the cards we both realized that the sixty six cards we had chosen were the perfect amount.

The ease with which this deck came about was due to our ability to recognize the strengths in ourselves and each other. The deck represents a perfect collaboration of creative solutions, feeling and intuition. It is our sincere wish that you have as much fun using these cards as we had creating them. The prototypes were made from construction paper, scissors and glue in the spirit of childlike energy.

How To Use The Deck

The intention behind this Yuen deck is to facilitate learning in several ways. Once the basics have been learned from taking at least one Level One Yuen Method class, they can be used as a memory or study tool (flash cards). The cards can also be used to stimulate the right side of the brain and our intuition. While making Yuen Method™ corrections through random selection of a card or cards, it becomes obvious that there is no pattern to the issues that come up which is very affective for removing one from linear thinking which is imperative for quick, complete and permanent healing through the elimination of the root cause.

Not Yet Available. Please e-mail to be added to the waiting list.

Cost: $75.00 Canadian Funds